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The services and information below are aimed at the Penn IT professionals. For getting IT support, please go to the Get IT Help section on this website.


Data Center & Colocation Solutions provides University constituents a reliable and secure space to house their IT assets. Environmental and security controls are in place and optional hardware support is available. The integrity of the space and service is maintained through internal controls and processes that include an internal audit program. The integrity of the space and service is maintained through internal controls and processes that include an internal audit program.  Data Center & Colocation Solutions is ISO 9001:2015 certified and physical spaces comply with NIST SP 800-53 Revision 4 Physical and Environmental Protection control family. The service participates in annual self-attestations for HIPAA Security Rules and PCI Requirement 9.

Cloud computing services are available as an alternative to on-premise hosting. For more information about cloud-based options at Penn, see ISC’s Cloud Solutions service.

Entrance to Penn Park


  • Two locations around campus allow easy access to physical systems
  • Highly reliable, secure service, using state of the art RFID technology
  • Enterprise automation that ensures proactive client communication
  • ITIL based processes ensure consistency of service delivery

Target Audience

University IT community

Funding Type


Floor Space

Annually, Per Rack


$.15 kWH
Charges are passed directly to client

Installation of Electrical Units to Rack

One-time Charge

Additional services can be requested and would be reviewed and negotiated between the client and ISC.

ISC rate increases are generally aligned with University increases.The ISC rate review process is timed to coincide with the University’s annual budgeting process. Rates are reviewed over the summer, and if any require a change, they are approved for the following fiscal year. ISC will make its best effort to communicate these changes to clients by the end of October to allow for budget updates. Exceptions may occasionally occur (e.g., a vendor changes a pass-through fee midyear), and when they do, ISC will do its best to provide as much lead time for clients as possible.

Client Care

Your space to help IT Staff

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