As part of Penn’s Identity & Access Management (IAM) Program, major improvements to the PennKey password reset process were implemented on November 15, 2022. PennKey Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) dramatically improves user experience with a modern, secure, easy-to-use reset application for forgotten passwords, and should also significantly reduce the number of password help requests for Service Desks. See below for information on the SSPR project.
SSPR Details
Who Is Affected?
All current PennKey users and administrators who provide PennKey assistance are affected by the process changes.
What Changed?
- The old Challenge-Response PennKey password reset process was replaced with a new application called “PennKey Self-Service Password Reset” (SSPR).
- The new SSPR application allows users to reset their own PennKey passwords if forgotten – using only a pre-registered personal (non-Penn) email address and cell phone number.
- On October 4, enrollment opened for current PennKey users to pre-register their preferred personal contact information (see "Enroll" tab).
- On October 18, an intercept screen began to appear at PennKey login asking users to enroll in SSPR with a link to enroll. This screen only appears to unenrolled users and only once a day, the first time a user attempts PennKey authentication. PennKey login will proceed in 20 seconds or users can click a link to continue immediately. After users enroll in SSPR, they will no longer receive this prompt.
- On November 15, SSPR went live, and those who enrolled are able to use the application to send a code to their registered personal email to reset a forgotten password at any time. After completing the reset, a notification message is sent to both the user’s registered personal email and cell phone (both are required to use SSPR).
- Those who choose not to enroll will continue to contact their LSPs or Service Desks if they need to reset forgotten PennKey passwords.
Note: Users’ registered personal emails and cell phone numbers are not shared by SSPR with other University systems or used for any purpose other than password reset. Both are required to meet the security standards published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
UPHS PennKey users: SSPR is optional for UPHS PennKey users. UPHS PennKey users are welcome to register for SSPR for their convenience, or may continue to use the existing UPHS PennKey Password Reset Application.
Non-Persistent PennKey users (users with PennKeys starting with “g” followed by seven digits): These users are not eligible to enroll in SSPR and will continue to contact their LSPs for assistance.