IT Roundtable is an advisory board chaired by the Vice President for Information Technology & University Chief Information Officer, who appoints a rotating co-chair. It is an integral component of IT governance at the University of Pennsylvania, facilitating critical discussions about emerging technologies, what they mean for Penn, and their impact on the institution, Schools, Centers, and individuals.
Charged with advising on new technology implementations, rollout and support, IT Roundtable is particularly focused on awareness, communication, and adoption planning for decisions with extensive local implications. Its primary role is as an orientation and communication vehicle for the community of IT Directors, providing input on direction, policy, and standards critical to both local and University-wide IT planning.
Membership is comprised of senior technology officers from all 12 Schools and major Centers, with guests invited to attend and participate as appropriate.
IT Roundtable Members
- Dan Alig, The Wharton School
- David Allegretti, School of Social Policy & Practice
- Joshua Beeman, ISC Associate CIO
- Michael Borda, Associate Vice Provost for Research
- Christine Brisson, School of Arts & Sciences
- Rob Butler, Vice Provost for University Life (VPUL)
- Rich Cardona, Annenberg School for Communication
- Greer Cheeseman, Development and Alumni Relations
- Christine Droesser, Carey School of Law
- Christopher Dymek, Perelman School of Medicine
- Kimberly Eke, Graduate School of Education
- Nick Falcone, ISC Information Security
- George Fox, Department of Public Safety
- Brent Friedman, Division of Finance
- Jeremy Gatens, Division of Human Resources
- Tiffany Hanulec, ISC Technology Services
- Olaino B. Hardaway, The Wharton School
- Andre Harris, ISC Client Services
- Shawn Hyla, University Museum
- Alex Jarymovych, School of Design
- Sarah Katz, ISC Client Services
- Dennis Langlois, Facilities & Real Estate Services
- Brandon Lodriguss, School of Nursing
- Lou Metzger, Undergraduate Admissions
- Donna Milici, ISC Client Services
- Melissa Miller, School of Dental Medicine
- Emily Morton-Owens, Penn Libraries
- Marcus Moseley, Division of Recreation & Intercollegiate Athletics
- Thomas H. Murphy, Information Systems & Computing
- Rob Nelson, Provost's Office
- Rosey Nissley, Information Systems & Computing
- Patrick O'Gorman, Vice Provost for Research
- Magida Phillips, Division of Business Services
- West Phinney, ISC Client Services
- Robert Samuel, School of Veterinary Medicine
- Scott Schafer, Office of Audit, Compliance, and Privacy
- Kevin Secrest, Office of Audit, Compliance, and Privacy
- Annette Smith, ISC Client Services
- Daniel Thomas, College Houses and Academic Services
- Kris Varhus, School of Engineering & Applied Science
- Victor Williams, Vice Provost for Research