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How to Add the Penn Academic Calendar to Outlook and Other Calendaring Applications

The Almanac continues to maintain the University of Pennsylvania Academic Calendar posted on this page:

What Has Changed? 

For Penn constituents wishing to add the Penn Academic Calendar to Outlook or other calendaring applications:

  • The old O365 calendar no longer is being maintained.
  • University constituents currently using the old calendar are advised to remove this calendar from Outlook and to use only the new, more platform-agnostic calendar maintained by The Almanac and hosted by their third-party solution 

How to add the calendar to Outlook and other calendaring applications:    

  1. Visit The Almanac’s Penn Academic Calendar page
  2. Click the blue button “Add to Calendar…” 

    add to calendar button screenshot
  3. Select the application of choice (Apple, Google, Office 365, Outlook, or Yahoo) and follow the prompts to add the calendar.
  • NOTE: For best results, UPenn Outlook users should use the Office 365 (online) option. Adding the calendar here will populate the calendar in your Outlook desktop application as well as online.  
  1. Updates to the active Academic Calendar will be available for view in real time.
  2. The “Add to Calendar…” button will be updated each May with a fresh Academic Calendar for the forthcoming year. Please revisit the “Add to Calendar…” link each May to add the new calendar.