How to Add the Penn Academic Calendar to Outlook and Other Calendaring Applications
The Almanac continues to maintain the University of Pennsylvania Academic Calendar posted on this page:
What Has Changed?
For Penn constituents wishing to add the Penn Academic Calendar to Outlook or other calendaring applications:
- The old O365 calendar no longer is being maintained.
- University constituents currently using the old calendar are advised to remove this calendar from Outlook and to use only the new, more platform-agnostic calendar maintained by The Almanac and hosted by their third-party solution
How to add the calendar to Outlook and other calendaring applications:
- Visit The Almanac’s Penn Academic Calendar page
Click the blue button “Add to Calendar…”
Image- Select the application of choice (Apple, Google, Office 365, Outlook, or Yahoo) and follow the prompts to add the calendar.
- NOTE: For best results, UPenn Outlook users should use the Office 365 (online) option. Adding the calendar here will populate the calendar in your Outlook desktop application as well as online.
- Updates to the active Academic Calendar will be available for view in real time.
- The “Add to Calendar…” button will be updated each May with a fresh Academic Calendar for the forthcoming year. Please revisit the “Add to Calendar…” link each May to add the new calendar.