Each person with access to the University's computing resources is responsible for their appropriate use and by their use agrees to comply with all applicable University, School, and departmental policies and regulations, and with applicable City, State and Federal laws and regulations, as well as with the acceptable use policies of affiliated networks and systems (See Appendices to Specific Rules).
Open Expression in the Electronic Information Environment: The rights to freedom of thought, inquiry and expression, as defined in the University's Guidelines on Open Expression, are paramount values of the University community. The University's commitment to the principles of open expression extends to and includes the electronic information environment, and interference in the exercise of those rights is a violation of this policy and of the Guidelines on Open Expression. As provided in the Guidelines, in case of conflict between the principles of the Guidelines on Open Expression and this or other University policies, the principles of the Guidelines take precedence.
General Standards for the Acceptable Use of Computer Resources: Failure to uphold the following General Standards for the Acceptable Use of Computer Resources constitutes a violation of this policy and may be subject to disciplinary action.
The General Standards for the Acceptable Use of Computer Resources require:
- Responsible behavior with respect to the electronic information environment at all times;
- Behavior consistent with the mission of the University and with authorized activities of the University or members of the University community;
- Respect for the principles of open expression;
- Compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and University policies;
- Truthfulness and honesty in personal and computer identification;
- Respect for the rights and property of others, including intellectual property rights;
- Behavior consistent with the privacy and integrity of electronic networks, electronic data and information, and electronic infrastructure and systems; and
- Respect for the value and intended use of human and electronic resources.
Enforcement and Penalties for Violation: Any person who violates any provision of this policy, of the Specific Rules interpreting this policy, of other relevant University policies, or of applicable City, State, or Federal laws or regulations may face sanctions up to and including termination or expulsion. Depending on the nature and severity of the offense, violations can be subject to disciplinary action through the Student Disciplinary System or disciplinary procedures applicable to faculty and staff.
It may at times be necessary for authorized systems administrators to suspend someone's access to University computing resources immediately for violations of this policy, pending interim resolution of the situation (for example by securing a possibly compromised account and/or making the owner of an account aware in person that an activity constitutes a violation). In the case of egregious and continuing violations suspension of access may be extended until final resolution by the appropriate disciplinary body.
System owners, administrators or managers may be required to investigate violations of this policy and to ensure compliance.