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With the University’s rapidly evolving pedagogical strategies, modernization of instructional and classroom technology is required to keep up with the expectations of our students and faculty. This includes technology-enabled learning spaces for enhanced accessibility, frictionless use, and various modes of teaching and learning—online, in-person, hybrid, synchronous, and asynchronous. Current classrooms and learning spaces vary in technology setup and capabilities, contributing to an inconsistent student experience. Standardization will help create a seamless experience for both faculty and students. Along with increasing the number of spaces, providing technical support in the areas of instructional design, classroom support, and assistive technologies will go far in improving access and experiences. 


1. Ensure continuous improvement and reduce administrative burden of classroom technology across Penn.

Strategy 1 supports In Principle and Practice by advancing one of its practices:

  • Accelerate interdisciplinary pursuits

Strategic initiatives implementing Strategy 1:

Strategic initiatives coming soon.

2. Increase training and support for faculty for existing instructional technology and classroom technology resources.

Strategy 2 supports In Principle and Practice by advancing one of its practices:

  • Accelerate interdisciplinary pursuits

Strategic initiatives implementing Strategy 1:

Strategic initiatives coming soon.

3. Improve methods and processes for identifying, procuring, and supporting adoption of new tools that align with needs and goals.

Strategy 3 supports In Principle and Practice by advancing one of its practices:

  • Foster leadership and service

Strategic initiatives implementing Strategy 3:

Strategic initiatives coming soon.


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